Other Designs

Here are some of other design blogs, whether or not I find them interesting is not yet determined, I have not had the opportunity yet to look through their work, I remain alert, energetic, none hesitant every day of the week, month, & year, and optimistic of other designers. Seeking, and obtaining front-to-end page news of any conflicting adversaries, and any fellow companions agenda. Quietly shielded from bad intentions, disasters, and neglect. This is my current unofficial blog//calendar, that of which I know.

http://thedsgnblog.com/ //The Design Blog
http://www.gooddesignmakesmehappy.com/ //Good Design makes me happy
http://eyeondesign.aiga.org/ //Eye on Design
http://www.trendlist.org/ //Trend List
https://www.creativereview.co.uk/ //The Best In Creativity
http://designersof.tumblr.com/ //Designers Of Tumblr
http://visualsundae.com/ //Visual Sundae
http://designcloud.tumblr.com/ //Design Cloud
http://sidebar.io/ //Sidebar
http://www.logodesignlove.com/ //Logo Design Love
http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/ //Brand New

The one's that define yucky will most likely be deleted.


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