Scrutare, destrue, et omnes inimicos principum tenebrosos alfredo ligno domus extingue.
어둠의 왕자 알프레도스 가계도의 모든 적을 수색하고 파괴하고 제거하세요.
Cerca, distruggi ed elimina tutti i nemici dell'albero genealogico del Principe Oscuro Alfredo.
I had a dream and in that dream I was visited by Jesus Christ or some kind of version of him, whoever the person was I was able to identify him as Jesus Christ and he was like we need to come up with a plan to defeat evil and death. Shortly after we were visited by Mother Mary and she gave us an elixir of some sort and then I said I wanted to go back to something in the middle of Jesus Christs conversation with me. I don't really remember what he was talking about I think it was something about defeat the death or evil earlier mentioned. Then I woke up, and that was the end of everything. I deem this remarkable.
I kind of think that they will have the defeat being ask for, and evil is something that can be constant or not something you can completely get rid of, unless you somehow brainwash every living person alive into doing good and never evil. So is that where we are headed? But as for defeating death, how do you also defeat something that is well.. immortal? and that goes to show what we know about death and immortality.
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