Starcraft Book In progress...
The year is 2078, and the time is 9:30 AM but the time is not on earth even though we use earth time, we have plenty of clocks in tuned for each area of the universe we travel to, and from. It's currently 56 ₴ zerg time as well. A very interesting time, and date as it is August 28, 2078. Here on Battle Cruiser Alexander we take the fleet Arcturus around space, to see what we uncover. We have the ability to time travel, and cloak... So we also remain invisible to our enemies, and it's quite nice to be unseen. Have you ever been attacked by an invisible enemy consistently?
So far we have had multiple run ins with the Zerg. They are fierce, huge, many, intelligent, and sharp as far as we can tell... We dropped multiple fleets of marines into the new solar system gen i. So we are able to expand Emperor Angeles's empire far and far again to complete each plan, and the plan is to reign forever throughout the universe. Which we will achieve. That is where we had our first run in with the Zerg, in gen i. They appeared as a beautiful and ugly gem at the same time, kind of like a Picasso painting that went unfinished, and ended up in the hands of a wonderful musician. They did not move one muscle when we landed on planet Venitia. Until we started to think we already exterminated everything, what else could there be.. Then reports came in through multiple medics that they mentally heard "we will see" then there was a charge at the front before we could complete our defensive barriers. It was almost automatic the way we battled with the Zerg that day, nobody will forget that was our first run in with the Zerg. How noble, yet fearless could we be thinking we would easily over run them... We eventually finished our defensive bunkers, turrets, and survived... We were also lucky we had cover from our Mother ship fleet of Battle Cruisers, as it was just a few, while the rest remained in nearby orbit ready to catch any incoming enemy fleet. It seems that the Zerg just offered us a small snack, and it was delicious... We could not wait to see what they offered in the future, such as like abilities, and units size. We weren't too cocky or anything like that to say the least. We were just confident, that is all... that is all.
There were journalist and news crew also down on planet Venitia when the Zerg sent it's attack, and while this attacked had happened it was broadcasted live throughout the entire empire on the news channel. Everyone was tuned in, and somewhat worried about what might happen if we cannot defend ourselves, and conquer. After the battle had took place everyone cheered, and continued with their day. As this was a small step towards complete victory. Our entire civilization is very advanced, and so is every weapon we invented. under Emperor Angeles's reign. His company has produced the best fleet of ghost's, and they are very psychic, equipped with the most advanced weaponry, and top of the line gadgets for psychic warfare. Loyal to only him and his family for forever. As well as everyone else is throughout the Emperor's territory. We fight and fall as one under the Emperor's command since day one. We have a great civilization and society since like 50 years ago, we found a way to heal, and get rid of every disease, illness, sickness, and everything imaginable. Through intense mage-like abilities, and modern day magical magicians. The most advance mages have come forward to serve the Dark Emperor Angeles, as they have sworn to serve him, and his family for forever. They promise complete victory for the Dark Emperor. They have also helped create new top of the line Gundam-like machinery robots to serve the Dark Emperor in his army for what is complete victory in the area's of sky and land in space far away and nearby.
It's a new era, and this 20th century. Many things have happened, and will continue to happen. All very good, great exciting, and beyond.
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