Grimoire continuation
Grimoire continuation ;
Say "this is the way" for healing.
Say " n y c " for money and healing...
Say "I want to resurrect (then who you want to recently ressurect)" <for family use only>
i'm not sure how much of this is suppose to happen or if it works at all.. but it's suppose to.. nothing to lose by saying it anyway.
Say "Heal me" then who you want or what you want to heal.
Say "We'll heal" then anything mechanical you want to heal.
Say "We want" then who you want put $500.00 into their checking account, and it's on reoccurance when money spent or money withdrawn for always.
( For family and people who are friends of us use only )
Say "Re-Edit" To be able to edit things to this grmioire whenever I want. ( For my use only )
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