Practicing grimoire
Here are some more grimoire stuff that you may practice that might work, I'm not sure of how much it will work but I am getting messaged that it's to put into my grimoire.
To heal;
Listen and sing to your favorite song, while walking in a circle 3 times. Then say happy birthday twice.
Then you may fully heal.
For money;
Eat something and say wolfspray.
For lots of money, and no bad consequences.
For protection
Eat an apple and spit it out.
For things that bring you joy.
Spell abracadabra.
& It's not the unhealthy kind either.
To get future information.
aujourd'hui est le meilleur jour pour faire n'importe quoi et obtenir n'importe quoi. car c'est toujours et pour toujours.
I know it all sounds silly but there is nothing to lose trying it. But all to gain. Fully.
For family & allies of the family use only.
To heal say or repair mech & electronics
"Heal" then who or what you want to heal.
To heal & get money say
"I heal" then who you want to heal and give money to.
To build a colony base on another planet say the following:
"I want to build a base" then which planet.
To build a city on another planet say the following:
"I want to build a city" then which planet.
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