Random stuff like dark designs & mechanics

To start I like this pattern picture, it's eloquently bratioushe if that is even a word, if it's not please work with me here. Thanks your such a good night fox. & You probably can't even guess what kind of floral design it wants to be.

This picture reminds me of yellow version of Harry Potters friend Ron Wesley.  Somewhat bright, and non non-life like.. What do you think ??  Kind of needs temperature blue and stuff right?

Plus I see another picture on the internet. This picture is kind of novelty like something you pick-up in a grocery store. This picture maybe can trigger a memory of greatness. Re-collectively or something, so memories can be nice and stuff.

I like this watch .. it tells the time and stuff.. But I don't know if this is the one for me. . 

 This picture is also very cool, it shows so much promise of greatness. No harm intended, it's just kind of like a Pinocchio bicycle or something so I'm told.. Well anyway these are only pictures.. The #1. saying It's worth a 1,000 words, and the other saying it's worth another 1,000 words.. I think this is right.. anyway not much creativity these days. So any kind of gallery is alright, I suppose ..


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