Holy Knights
Knights over perception since it very much seems like you guys know everything .. Why aren't there armour in camoflouge or something.. Tuflun knights reign & stuff. These knights here since before 1200 08 . A.D. or After Knights something .. Probably had catatrophic century because of an enemy.. Which was who? Deleted from history? Where the heck are the knights now adays? Have they vanquished or hidden in plain sight? What's a knights money situation like? Virtually outstanding their opposition? If there was an enemy not surrendering there virtually existence entirely spirally downwards knight dragon like. All I can kind of think of what has happened in the past .. So the future looks very bright for a knight. A silent prayer for a holy knight would be kindly appreciated. To be continued .. Ya things must have been scary because of your audiences intended negligence. You should meet a knights oracle,, and give feedback or a rating.
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