Twisted knights memory

Been a while since I've made any entry at all.. so hopefully things will be easy-going.

Twisted knights memoria, what a wonderful conversation we had at the cafe.
There may be time thieves to borrow which is not theirs, like a spider's moon.
Finding the way back to the Draconian realm, for we may speak another day.
However smoother, then that which may be darker then the light. 

There were your ways of saying how things are going to happen, and then their were other ways. So then their were the exploited adversaries ways of those things happening too.  Then there were wars, and battles going on everywhere, rebuilt civilizations, and platoons. All throughout time, there have been shadow warriors fighting our battles everyday, without ever mentioning these must be named sorcerer's. 

Corrupt companies who have threatened a one world interstellar war, like a mad man or woman, Requiemly re-quips their squadrons.. We want vengeance upon vengeance, their motto "that which has not yet happened, by the thoughts of fortune". Tags of the future..

Not very much a day goes by without a thought that you've embraced me as one of your own. Thoughts of a visitor without a thank you, or maybe I've made you wonder who any of us are.

Maybe this is how I know what our love is to each other, either way I may remember such a thing like your twisted knight memoria ; )


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